Fishing in Crystal River in November

Last months fishing was off the charts! Much like
October, November can be filled with tons of wind, drastic temperature drops and less than desirable weather. However, this past month we got lucky!

The first weekend of the month, I participated in the Flats Class Tournament hosted by Capt CA Richardson and Sodium Fishing Gear. My guys; Larry and Joe, originally from Maryland, reached out and hired me, hoping to catch the winning bag. It was a full artificial only tournament. We caught one hog of a redfish first thing in the morning on a top water. It ended up weighing in at 6.9lbs, which would’ve swept the leaderboard if it was paired with another one even half its size. But that was not in the cards for us. We found many fish laid up, looking hungry, but continued to be disappointed when they just would not eat.

We ended up going home in a strong 6th place, with just that one fish, however, it was the largest single fish weighed.

Most of my days following that were spent offshore targeting Gag grouper on the wrecks and ledges. The green and orange Rapalas have been my go-to colors when trolling offshore.

I had some very noteable fish hit the deck of my boat this month. Dr. Matt Varner and his wife Dani caught an 18lber the day after thanksgiving on a trip out with me. Ron fished a couple days following that, and put his name on the top of the board, currently holding the title as biggest Gag caught with me this year, weighing in at 26.6lbs.

I will continue to Grouper fish throughout the rest of the month but then begin my transition to mud boat fishing and duck hunting as the weather stays consistently cool. If you havent booked your trip yet, please reach out to me for my availability!

Happy Holidays to you all!


January 2023


October Fishing